lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009


1. Could you please define Engineering in your own words?

Is the science that studies the man for the betterment of humanity and creation of new technologies.

2. What influenced you to pursue Electronics engineering, industrial engineering, computer science engineering or informatics engineering?

Electronic Engineering influenced to me because I like technology and management control systems and microprocessors.

3. Could you please describe the educational process required to become an Engineer?

Dedicate every day to your subjects and all your doubts.

4. What are the skills you need to be a good engineer?

A engineer must be very dedicate, be very organized, and constance and to want to learn this career.

5. What job considerations were you looking for after you completed your education?

I would to work in something about Programmable logic controllers.

6. What's something of your school life that you enjoy the most?

Enjoy with my friends and travel to conferences that have nothing to do with the university.

7. From your perspective, what is the most difficult part of being an engineering student?

If you want to be good in your classes the only thing for you to do is study hard, and if you don't understand there is always someone really smart that helps people no matter what.

8. What are your plans for the future?

Make a post abroad, improve the English and learn other languages.

9. Point out your most personally gratifying moment in engineering school.

Each time you finish a quarter and approve all materials.

10. Why would you recommend Engineering as a career?

Engineers knows about everything. We study math, physics and so many others subjects that practicly engineers can work

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